Last month ICBC got their first taste of racing this season with seven eights taking to the water. Some great results across the board but we are just getting started!

Women's 1st Eight - 5th in W Champ
With Quintin head being not only the first race of 2024 but of the whole season (RIP Fours head), the women's eight was excited to race down the course. Marshalling was full of annoying Zahir, “good” chat and freezing our tits off.
The time to dekit couldn't have come quicker; teeth clattering we started the race. But don't worry, the chunky rhythm soon warmed us up:)
Next we knew we were half way, and with a push from the power 4 (Laura, Lizzie, Loren, Yas) we sped towards Hammersmith bridge. Wind hit, waves splashed as we crossed the finish line. After a short breather, we swiftly paddled home to eat all the food at the reception and get ready for annual dinner!
Women's 2nd Eight - 11th in W Senior
After Four's head was cancelled, we were raring to race after 4 months of busy training. In classic 2v style, we first rowed together as a crew on the day, but as our favourite(?) Aussie rower once said, "if you all row the same, there is no such thing as a scratch crew". Pulling 2 rowers out of their early retirement, we took them for a ride and reminded them why we love the sport: the joy of 2 hours marshalling in the freezing cold. Teeth chattering as we crossed the start line, we successfully got into a decent(ish) rhythm and proceeded to do something that looked somewhat like rowing to the untrained eye. As we crossed the finish line, there was only one thought on our minds - when would it be too early to start on the baby Guinnesses? Overall, a good day out with the gals, who all rushed off for a memorable evening celebrating at annual dinner.

Men's 1st Eight - 3rd in Op Senior
At Quintin Head, our Imperial College Boat Club 1st 8 showed up strong, securing 3rd place among 12 crews in the intermediate 8s category. We hit our stride early, syncing our power and rhythm, resulting in an 18th place finish overall with a time of 11:23.8. It was a testament to our teamwork and determination, setting the stage for even greater successes ahead. #ICBC #QuintinHead #Rowing
Men's 2nd Eight - 4th in Op Senior
In a regatta that had more twists and turns than a Shakespearean tragedy, the Imperial Boat Rowing Club took on the waters with a mix of skill, humour, and a dash of questionable pre-race rituals.
As our 1st eight raced fiercely, we discovered that they were matched crews – matched so closely that it felt like the rowing gods (Peter Hardcastle) were playing the ultimate game of "spot the difference." One second behind, we suspect they were just waiting for us to upgrade to a turbo boost for that extra edge.
Now, let's talk about our infamous 5 seat. Just five minutes before the start time, amidst the pre-race tension, they decided to break the smartphone silence, catching up on their tinder matches sharing his thoughts on his latest matches and wonderful pick up lines. The 5 seat's commitment to tinder was almost as impressive as their catches.
Meanwhile, the rest of the crew, undeterred by the 5 seat's online escapade, was engaged in a peculiar yet uniquely Imperial tradition. With the clock ticking down, they gathered around the meticulously labelled "Piss Bottle," passing it down the line like a sacred relay baton. It certainly left the competition wondering if we were rowing or pioneering a new form of hydration strategy.
Our coxswains, navigating with the precision of GPS satellites, skilfully steered through the racecourse's twists and turns, avoiding not only rival crews but also rogue ducks and floating foliage. It seems our coxswains are so adept at steering; they could probably navigate a paper boat through a storm drain without a hitch.
While victory may have eluded us in seconds, the camaraderie, laughter, and the unforgettable sight of the shared Piss Bottle relay have etched this regatta into the annals of Imperial Boat Rowing Club history. Until the next race, may our oars be swift, our coxswains be cheeky, and our pre-race rituals remain uniquely Imperial!
Men's 3rd Eight - 4th in Op int 1
When the crews were released at 8pm the night before the first race of the season a few eyebrows were raised, not least because it appeared that Pete had accidentally entered the 1V into the intermediate category, surely a ploy to hide ICs blazing speed from the competition this early into the season. With the race plan of rate high, go fast and a few practice starts under our belt we paddled up to the start and marshalled for an uncomfortably long time while the J15 8s drifted past. Our only solace was the fact that we still had 8 riggers, unlike the UCL women who appeared to have had a close encounter with a marshals launch, we hope their insurance premiums weren't too high. After cheering the other IC crews we set off strongly, settling into rhythm and actually moving away from the Tideway Scullers 8 behind us, but due to a combination of slight corner cutting, being rattled, and missing watts they began to reel us in stroke by stroke. Some crew members attempted to help with the steering but unfortunately in a classic too many chefs scenario the backseat driving may have compromised us further and coming past Pauls the Tideway Scullers Sweepers were drawing level. In a desperate attempt to hold them off we cranked the rate to well over 35 and managed to hang on to the end of the course. The final result, 4th in inter ahead of Bristol's 2V, a respectable position, if less than we might have hoped for, a good platform for the next bus stop, Hammersmith Head.

Men's Novice Eight - 9th in Op Devel
Salve Nautae. For our first race together, not too shabby. The early morning wasn’t great for some, however we rallied well for the pre-paddle despite completely forgetting how to row and keep a level boat. A harsh talking to was required, alongside distribution of cookies to get everyone back on track. Queuing for the race, something never attempted by any of us before turned out rather challenging. Many voices could be heard, bar that of our cox who had turned their mic off, and was taking their BeReal. All silliness aside, as we turned round for the start we were feeling strong. After thoroughly discussing the game plan before the race, we set off through the start line, and immediately threw the plan out the boat. Twelve minutes of fighting for our lives, not knowing which stroke rate would be selected from one minute to the next took us forty seconds in front of UCL, the glory of which resulted in the large red can not it being seen, thus we encountered a bit of turbulence. Nonetheless, we finished in good time and set off back to the boathouse with renditions of yellow submarine over the speakers, much to the annoyance of our five seat.
Overall a great day and an enjoyable first race for us all. Well done to all involved.
Women's Novice Eight - 12th in W Devel
Our first race was filled with nerves, laughing, and a solid amount of singing (the singing was completely led and executed by our cox Savindu of course). The early morning and crowded gym had our nerves racing, that in combination with the fact that all of us had only been on the water once or twice since Christmas break, but once we got in the boat together and our stroke started cracking a few jokes our nerves started to fade. Having to wait more than 2 hours in the que (boat 300/300) in the freezing cold wasn't luxurious but we certainly kept our vocal cords warm. We went in, no game plan, just row and although we may have fallen apart a bit at the end, it proved to be a successful attempt by the women's novice 8.